Sunday 4 August 2019

Laksala focuses on products at Yugayata Nimavum

Mr. Silva, Ms. Athukorala and Ms. Samararathne are eagerly checking the quality of products 
Laksala was  paying close attention to novel handicraft designs at “Yugayaka Nimaum 2019”  which  exhibits the talents of local artisans and facilitate new market opportunism . On behalf of  Laksala, Mr. Madhura De Silva, CEO/Director General,  Ms. Vajira  Samararathne, Deputy Director (Purchasing) and  Ms. Devika Athukorala, Assistant Director (Distribution),  looked for new designs at the event. Products chosen at this exhibition will be introduced to both local and foreign markets. This annual exhibition, which has been continuously organized by National Design Center,  was held at the  City Center, Kandy recently.